Health, Housing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee

11 September 2024


Report of the Head of Housing Management and Housing Options


Homelessness Future Resettlement Pathway


1.           The council has a clear ambition to reduce homelessness and since 2023 significant cross directorate work has been undertaken between Housing Adult Social Care, Children’s Services and Public Health to explore ways of achieving this. On 9 May 2024, the council’s Executive took a number of decisions to reshape delivery of these services. This followed a review of existing provision identifying opportunities to enhance a person centred, integrated system approach to delivery: (item 127)


2.           The resettlement pathways provide emergency/temporary accommodation and support, using residential placements, for everyone who is homeless over the age of 16. The pathways support people to develop the skills to live independently and prevent homelessness. The 9 May report outlines the progressive journey towards a tailored, person-centred, strength-based approach to resettlement. The first stage will bring the existing service in house and will then be followed by a second stage, to deliver a long-term ambition to ensure the council can provide a variety of effective, flexible accommodation and support solutions for residents who find themselves homeless. The approach is evidence based and will shift away from hostel accommodation, provide increased levels of service to prevent homelessness, and a focus upon rapid rehousing for those who become homeless but have relatively low support needs.


3.           Following further consultation, a refreshed Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy and delivery plan will be brought back to Executive later this year. This will be based on ongoing work with DLUHC (Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities) and the advice of internationally renowned Homelessness and Rough Sleeping expert Nicholas Pleace, who is based at the Centre for Housing Studies at the University of York. A review of the 2018-23 Strategy period accomplishments and draft key priorities for 2024-29 is shown in Annex B.


4.         During 2024 the service priority will be implementation of the Executive decisions with a project team in place to bring the accommodation services in house and integrate all provision to improve system-wide outcomes, monitor performance, and build on existing governance structures to facilitate effective partnership work at the strategic level. The plans are detailed in the 9 May Executive Report and Annexed documents, including policy basis, analysis, risks and mitigations and implications.



5.    Please see 9 May Report to Executive.

6.    Please see 9 May Report to Executive.

7.    Please see 9 May Report to Executive.




8.    Please see 9 May Report to Executive.


Council Plan


9.    Please see 9 May Report to Executive.



10.  Please see 9 May Report to Executive.

Risk Management


11.  Please see 9 May Report to Executive.



12.  It is recommended to note the progress on this service provision and to agree to a further item to be presented to the Committee in early 2025, once the new in-house service delivery is underway.

        Reason:       To keep the Committee updated.


Contact Details



Andrew Bebbington, Housing Strategy Officer


Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Denis Southall, Head of Housing Management and Housing Options


01904 554351



Report Approved


4 June 2024





Wards Affected: 





For further information please contact the author of the report



Background papers


Future Resettlement Pathway – Building Independence 9 May Report to Executive and associated Annexes (item 127)


Update Report on Homelessness / Resettlement Services 2023 including winter provision, commissioning issues and strategy update – November 2023 report to Scrutiny Committee (item 15)



Appendix A – 9 May Report to Executive and associated Annexes A-C (item 127)


Appendix B – Review of the 2018-23 Homelessness Strategy lifecycle and draft 2024-29 priorities


Appendix C – Resettlement pathway review - key recommendations


Appendix D – Proposed Best Practice 16 to 25 Accommodation Pathway